8/31/2023-Local Public Health Officials warn people to Avoid Contact With Bats
See Press Release Here: Press Release -Avoid Contact with Bats
The Fulton County Health Department is continuing to hold vaccination clinics for administering the COVID-19 Vaccine. Over the past two weeks Fulton County has received approximately 1,000 doses of vaccine for those within Phase 1A and Phase 1B of the Illinois Department of Public Health’s Mass Vaccination plan. For clinics the week of January 25, 2021, appointments can be scheduled on the following website: . This website is for frontline essential workers in Phase 1B. The public will need to bring proof of employment and residency to your scheduled appointment time. More dates will be added to the website as vaccine is received.
“We’ve been establishing a plan and process for the past couple of weeks on the vaccine deployment. Last week in our clinic we vaccinated around 200 individuals at the Health Department” said Katie Lynn, Fulton County Health Department. “Right now we are focusing on completing the small amount of people left within Phase 1A of the State’s Vaccination Plan and we’re moving into 1B. We are focusing on first responders, teachers, front line workers, and those over 65 years old. Those over 65 are being vaccinated by Graham Hospital and those within the frontline worker and first responder definitions are being done by the Health Department. Next week we will be launching an online portal for those within Phase 1B where they can determine eligibility, see what dates are available and register for vaccination. “ according to Lynn.
“Setting up the CoVid Task Force, expanding our communications and partnerships with all the communities and agencies in Fulton County has been invaluable. It was the goal of everyone involved with the Task Force from the beginning to make Fulton County and keep our citizens as safe as possible through this pandemic,” said Canton Mayor Kent McDowell. “Now that the vaccine is arriving these cooperating partnerships forged early in the pandemic are paying big dividends in the distribution of the vaccine to the citizens. I just ask everyone to be patient and
continue to protect themselves by masking up, washing hands and social distancing and getting vaccinated,” said McDowell.
“Right now, the biggest struggle we face is obtaining vaccine. To date, we have been able to almost dispense the vaccine shipments as soon as they come in and we’re hopeful to obtain more. We’ve also expanded our meetings with area mayors and leaders from around the community to help educate and share information within our communities. The amount of vaccine that we receive every week is beyond the scope and control of our local Health Department, we can’t control any of that on the local level, but we were able to move into Phase 1b a little sooner than anticipated. Having the partnership and support of Graham Hospital has been a very key component of this and they’ve been a strong partner thru this entire pandemic. The best way our residents can help is to be patient and follow the guidelines from the Fulton County Health Department and Illinois Department of Health.” According to Roger Clark Fulton County Board Chairman.
Currently, we are in Phase 1b of the IDPH Mass vaccination plan, which focuses on those over age 65 and frontline essential workers. The frontline essential workers, defined as those workers who are essential for the functioning of society and are at highest risk of exposure, including the following: First responders: Firefighters (including volunteers), Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs), 911 Dispatch (Public Safety Answering Point – PSAP), Security Personnel, School Officers. (EMS personnel are considered under Phase 1a).
Corrections Officers/Inmates: Jail Officers, Juvenile Facility Staff, Workers Providing In-Person Support, Inmates.
Food and Agriculture Workers: Processing, Plants, Veterinary Health, Livestock Services, Animal Care.
Postal Service Workers
Manufacturing Workers: Industrial production of goods for distribution to retail, wholesale or other manufacturers.
Grocery Store Workers: Baggers, Cashiers, Stockers, Pick-Up, Customer Service.
Public Transit Workers: Flight Crew, Bus Drivers, Train Conductors, Taxi Drivers, Para-Transit Drivers, In-Person Support, Ride Sharing Services.
Education (Congregate Child Care, Pre-K through 12th grade): Teachers, Principals, Student Support, Student Aids, Day Care Workers.
Shelters/Adult Day Care: Homeless Shelter, Women's Shelter, Adult Day/Drop-In Program,
Sheltered Workshop, Psycho-Social Rehab.
During this process, it is anticipated the Health Department will receive a drop shipment every
week of vaccines, allowing the health department and Graham Hospital to continue working
thru phase 1b. The exact timeline on how long this will take depends on the shipment of the
vaccine the health department receives from the state, the amount of people within the County
interested in the vaccine and is beyond the control of the local agencies involved. It’s also likely
that people’s normal medical provider will have the vaccine as the year progresses.
Fulton County has also been moved into Tier 1 mitigations from the IDPH Restore Illinois Plan.
These mitigations allow for Indoor service limited to the lesser of 25 guests or 25% capacity per
room, social events limit to lesser of 25 guests or 25% of overall room capacity both indoors
and outdoors among other things. A full listing can be found on the Fulton County Health
Department’s Facebook Page.
The County of Fulton has launched a website to help keep residents informed of specific
impacts within Fulton County. This page is designed to be the informational hub for the Fulton
County COVID-19 response, press releases, information for area residents, and links to CDC and
IDPH information. This page will be updated as new information becomes available.
The page can be found at and clicking on “Fulton County COVID-19
Information Site”.
The Fulton County COVID-19 Task Force is made up of community leaders from within Fulton County. The task force members include City Of Canton Mayor Kent McDowell and Public Safety Director Richard Fairburn; County Of Fulton Chairman Roger Clark, Fulton County Clerk Patrick O’Brian and Treasurer Staci Mayall; Fulton County Regional Office Of Education, Regional Superintendent John Meixner and Dave Demler; Fulton County Emergency Medical Association Director Andrew Thornton; Fulton County Sheriff’s Department, Sheriff Jeff
Standard; Canton School District Superintendent Rolf Sivertsen; Fulton County Coroner’s Office, Coroner Steve Hines; Fulton County State’s Attorney Justin Jochums; Fulton County Health Department Administrator Katie Lynn; Spoon River College President Curt Oldfield; Illinois DCEO Tony Rolando; and Fulton County ESDA Director and 911 Coordinator Chris Helle.
Additionally, the Fulton County Health Department is publishing daily updates on their social media page:
Any urgent alerts will also be posted on that page and the Fulton County ESDA page at
TO: All Area Media
FROM: Fulton County Health Department and Graham Hospital
DATE: January 14, 2021
As the State of Illinois moves into Phase 1b of the Mass Vaccination Plan, the Fulton County Health Department and Graham Hospital will be hosting Community COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics for individuals who qualify under Phase 1B. Individuals included in Phase 1B are frontline essential workers and residents aged 65 and over. The frontline essential workers designation includes many residents who carry a higher risk of COVID-19 exposure because of their work duties, often because they are unable to work from home, and/or they must work closely to others without being able to socially distance. This includes first responders, education, food and agriculture, manufacturing, corrections workers and inmates, USPS workers, public transit workers, grocery store workers and staff at shelters and day cares.
Graham Hospital will be scheduling and providing vaccinations for individuals 65 and older.
The Fulton County Health Department will be scheduling and providing vaccinations to the frontline essential workers.
Further details will be released as both the Graham and Fulton County Health Department clinics are scheduled. Please monitor both the FCHD and GHS Facebook pages for up to date information
Additionally, the Fulton County Health Department is publishing daily updates on their social media page:
. Any urgent alerts will also be
posted on that page and the Fulton County ESDA page at
4/24/2020 12:00 PM
The second positive COVID-19 case in Fulton County has been identified. At this time the patient is in isolation at their home and not in a hospital.
Fulton County Health Department staff are conducting a contact tracing investigation in order to identify any close contacts of the positive COVID-19 case. “We have been expecting to have more cases and know that the health and safety of our residents is our highest priority,” said Katie Lynn, Administrator of Fulton County Health Department. “Residents need to continue to practice social distancing, stay at home as much as possible and wear a cloth face covering when out in public.”
Testing capacity has expanded across Illinois which has allowed for testing to be available to more people.
Testing is now available for people who:
- Have COVID-19 symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, and fever) AND
- Have a risk factor such as
- Contact with someone confirmed to have COVID-19
- A compromised immune system or a serious chronic medical condition.
Testing is also available for those with or without symptoms who:
- Work in a health care facility
- Work in correctional facilities, such as jails or prisons
- Serve as first responders, such as paramedics, emergency medical technicians, law enforcement officers or firefighters
- Support critical infrastructure, such as workers in grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, gas stations, public utilities, factories, childcare and sanitation
Testing can be done through Primary Care Providers or at several testing sites across Central Illinois. Several new testing sites have opened or will open soon. Those include:
- Heartland Health Services – 2321 N Wisconsin Ave., Peoria, IL 61604
- Hours of Operations – Monday- Friday, 9 am – 4 pm and Saturday 9 am – 12 pm.
- Peoria City/County Health Department -2116 N Sheridan Road, Peoria, IL 61604
- Hours of Operations – Saturday and Sunday 10 am – 2 pm
- Peoria Park District, John H. Gwynn Park – Located at Faucet Field Peoria, Il 61605
- Hours of Operations – Monday – Friday 9am – 4 pm (Starts April 27)
A list of testing sites can be found online at or
The County of Fulton has launched a website to help keep residents informed of specific impacts within Fulton County. This page is designed to be the informational hub for the Fulton County COVID-19 response, press releases, information for area residents, and links to CDC and IDPH information. This page will be updated as new information becomes available.
The page can be found at and clicking on “Fulton County COVID-19 Information Site”.
Additionally, the Fulton County Health Department is publishing daily updates on their social media page: Any urgent alerts will also be posted on that page and the Fulton County ESDA page at
The Illinois Department of Public Health has set up a hotline and email for the public to use for general questions. The hotline number is 1-800-889-3931 and the email is DPH.SICK@ILLINOIS.GOV.
For current up to date information, please go to or
Fulton County Health Department staff can be reached after hours for emergency issues by calling the Fulton County Sherriff’s Department at 309-547-2277.
The Illinois Department of Public Health has set up a hotline and email for the public to call with general questions. The hotline number is 1-800-889-3931 and the email is DPH.SICK@ILLINOIS.GOV.
The public is encouraged to stay home except when leaving for essential services. When out in public, everyone is encouraged to wear a cloth face covering and continue to practice social distancing.
The Fulton County Health Department is announcing the recovery of the first Fulton County COVID-19 case. Starting today, additional recovered cases of COVID-19 will be reported with daily updates. Recovery is defined as resolution of fever without fever-reducing medications for 3 days (72 hours), improvement of symptoms, and at least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
“Right now we’ve got all hands on deck. Our team of agencies led by Fulton County Health Department Administrator Katie Lynn has worked nonstop on this outbreak for about a month. This event has really taxed our resources and they’ve held strong. I think having the community partnerships with Mayor McDowell in Canton and getting involvement with all of our cities within the County has been a key to our success. We also brought on President Curt Oldfield from Spoon River College to the planning and coordination team and he’s brought a tremendous amount of insight and help to the table. This has been a different type of response from the onset and we’ve been working with virtually every agency within Fulton County. This disaster is not a sprint – it’s a marathon. With the work of the different agencies and frankly amazing support of the residents of Fulton County – we will get through this. Our residents are not only the reason we are here, but they are the key to this.” according to Fulton County Board Chairman Patrick O’Brian.
The Fulton County Salvation Army in conjunction with their partnerships is offering some help to area residents during this time. Those with special needs, unable to travel, elderly or low income may qualify for food boxes. A resource hotline has been established for those in need and unable to find critical needs. Those wanting to learn more can contact the Salvation Army COVID-19 Resource Hotline 309-402-6368. The hotline has been established as a resource for specific needs related to the COVID-19 response. Residents with needs during this difficult time can reach out to that number for assistance inquiries and are encouraged not to travel to the Salvation Army due to social distancing.
To date, approximately 400 different items of PPE (personal protective equipment) have delivered to various emergency response agencies. Also, drops of PPE have been ongoing with various long-term care and home health care agencies around Fulton County.
As of Tuesday, 4/14/2020 there has been 1 positive COVID-19 case, 39 negative tests and 6 tests are pending. Additional tests may be pending that have been completed outside of Fulton County and sent to private labs. Regardless of where the tests are done, results for Fulton County residents are reported to the Fulton County Health Department. Individuals who experience symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, should contact their healthcare provider to discuss whether to be evaluated for testing. Residents are encouraged to not visit their primary care providers.
The County of Fulton has launched a website to help keep residents informed of specific impacts within Fulton County. This page is designed to be the informational hub for the Fulton County COVID-19 response, press releases, information for area residents, and links to CDC and IDPH information. This page will be updated as new information becomes available.
The page can be found at and clicking on “Fulton County COVID-19 Information Site”.
Additionally, the Fulton County Health Department is publishing daily updates on their social media page: Any urgent alerts will also be posted on that page and the Fulton County ESDA page at
The Illinois Department of Public Health has set up a hotline and email for the public to use for general questions. The hotline number is 1-800-889-3931 and the email is DPH.SICK@ILLINOIS.GOV.
For current up to date information, please go to or
Fulton County Health Department staff can be reached after hours for emergency issues by calling the Fulton County Sherriff’s Department at 309-547-2277.
The Illinois Department of Public Health has set up a hotline and email for the public to call with general questions. The hotline number is 1-800-889-3931 and the email is DPH.SICK@ILLINOIS.GOV.
The public is encouraged to stay home except when leaving for essential services. When out in public, everyone is encouraged to wear a cloth face covering and continue to practice social distancing.
Fulton County Resident Tests Positive for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
4/10/2020 1:00 PM
The first positive COVID-19 case in Fulton County has been identified.
Earlier today Graham Hospital and the Fulton County Health Department issued the statement on WBYS radio that a patient had tested positive and is recovering at home in isolation.
Fulton County Health Department staff are conducting a contact tracing investigation in order to identify any close contacts of the positive COVID-19 case. “We understand this development will cause heightened concern but know that the health and safety of our residents is our highest priority,” said Katie Lynn, Administrator of Fulton County Health Department. “We continue to encourage residents to practice social distancing, stay at home as much as possible and wear a cloth face mask when out in public.”
To date, 26 COVID-19 tests have been performed at Graham Hospital: 22 have come back negative; 2 have come back positive (1 Fulton County Resident, 1 McDonough county resident); and, 2 results are pending at this time.
“It was announced this morning that a Fulton County resident has tested positive for the COVID 19 virus, they did not need or seek hospitalization and is quarantined in their home, recovering appropriately,” said Bob Senneff, President and CEO of Graham Health Systems. “Graham Health System and the entire medical staff have been planning and preparing for weeks in the event we have to eventually treat positive COVID-19 patients who are needing hospitalization. I want the community to know we are very well prepared to treat those needing hospitalization, with a dedicated team of physicians and clinicians on standby, but hoping, obviously, that those who may be infected are able to convalesce at home as this patient is. If we all ’follow the rules’ (mask, wash hands, social distancing, etc.), we will continue to flatten the curve and return to some sense of normalcy very soon.”
With the very limited testing available, no one can guarantee that Graham Hospital might not have already had a patient in the hospital who had COVID-19 but was either never tested, or was tested and discharged with their test results coming back positive several days later. The reality is, some private testing turnaround times are taking in excess of 10 days which delays Graham being notified of the results.
Please abide by the social distancing standard of at least 6 feet, wash your hands often, and wear a cloth face mask when out in public. It should be assumed that anyone you come in contact with could be asymptomatic, and spread the virus.
In the past couple of weeks, the City of Canton and Fulton County have led a team effort to put in place an enormous amount of resources to establish an Emergency Operations Center. The leadership of Mayor McDowell and Chairman O’Brian has led to the sharing of resources and information. Multiple agencies in Fulton County have come together to provide resources to our residents. Fulton County Sheriff’s Department, Fulton County ESDA, Fulton County EMA, City Of Canton Police Department, Salvation Army, Graham Hospital, Fulton County Health Department, Fulton County Board, Mayor McDowell and the City of Canton, Canton Unit School District #66, Graham Hospital, Spoon River College, Rep. Mike Unes, Sen. Dave Koehler, and Ameren just to name a few. Every protocol is in place to keep our residents safe in the event of an outbreak. The cooperation between these entities through this has been unprecedented. This collaboration has ensured that Fulton County has everything in place to handle anything that comes our way. Please continue to practice social distancing, wash your hands, and stay safe.
March 19, 2020 2:00 pm
Beginning Friday March 20, 2020, the Fulton County Health Department will be limiting public access to the building. All current services will still continue to be offered however the delivery of those services are changing. The following are the changes being made at this time:
The Dental Clinic is only seeing patients with an emergency.
WIC- Call 309-647-1134 Ext 254 for more information.
Family Planning/STD clinic- Call 309-647-1134 Ext 244 for more information.
Energy Assistance and Weatherization are no longer conducting applications in person. Required documents can be mailed or faxed.
Electronics Recycling is suspended until further notice.
Environmental Health- All applications, variances and other documents will be accepted by email, fax or mail. Email:
Anyone that must enter the building will have their temperature taken at the door and asked a series of questions. In order to gain access to the building, the public will need to call the Health Department at 309-647-1134.
The Illinois Department of Public Health has set up a hotline and email for the public to call with general questions. The hotline number is 1-800-889-3931 and the email is DPH.SICK@ILLINOIS.GOV.
For current up to date information, please go to or
COVID-19 Information
Flu Clinic Information
Ebola Information Links
March 19, 2020 2:00 pm
Beginning Friday March 20, 2020, the Fulton County Health Department will be limiting public access to the building. All current services will still continue to be offered however the delivery of those services are changing. The following are the changes being made at this time:
The Dental Clinic is only seeing patients with an emergency.
WIC- Call 309-647-1134 Ext 254 for more information.
Family Planning/STD clinic- Call 309-647-1134 Ext 244 for more information.
Energy Assistance and Weatherization are no longer conducting applications in person. Required documents can be mailed or faxed.
Electronics Recycling is suspended until further notice.
Environmental Health- All applications, variances and other documents will be accepted by email, fax or mail. Email:
Anyone that must enter the building will have their temperature taken at the door and asked a series of questions. In order to gain access to the building, the public will need to call the Health Department at 309-647-1134.
The Illinois Department of Public Health has set up a hotline and email for the public to call with general questions. The hotline number is 1-800-889-3931 and the email is DPH.SICK@ILLINOIS.GOV.
For current up to date information, please go to or
For more information on West Nile Virus, click on the following link: